Sometimes you'll meet a Carriacouan where you really
can't understand a single word.
This is the language they're speaking:
Language name Grenadian Creole French
Population 2,300 in Grenada (2004).
Region Carriacou Island. On northern Grenada Island it
is in scattered pockets, mainly in rural areas.
Alternate names Lesser Antillean Creole French
Dialects Patwa, Patois.
Language use All speakers older than 50 years.
Comments The same as, or similar to, that spoken in Saint
Lucia (M. Alleyne).
The term Maroon is traced to the Spanish word cimarrón meaning "fugitive” or “runaway" and applied to escaped slaves with who took to living in the mountains. Slaves often escaped within the first generation of their arrival from Africa. In their hideouts, the Maroons preserved African languages, much of their culture and religion. They also retained the knowledge of medicinal herbs and practice of drumming and dancing when the herbs were administered.